Increasing inclusion and engagement in foreign language learning

A pilot study with multilingual digital storytelling and virtual reality


  • Rita Cersosimo University of Genoa



multilingual education, special educational needs, dyslexia, virtual reality, multilingual digital storytelling


Multilingual digital storytelling (MDST) widens the interfaces between learner engagement, creativity and digital literacy, resulting as particularly beneficial for foreign language classes. However, thus far, little research has been conducted on MDST involving students with special educational needs. This report presents a pilot study of a nine-hour-workshop conducted with eight children aged 8 to 11, two with severe dyslexia and two with mild intellectual disability; among these, two were bilingual. The digital tool used for the workshop was Cos paces Edu, a VR-based program that allows students to create virtual environments that can be explored using cardboard headsets. Engagement in the activity, self-efficacy and interest in language learning were measured by means of a questionnaire adapted from Ahmad and Yamat (2020) which was administered at the beginning and at the end of the course. Results showed increase in all areas and more positive feelings related to foreign language learning after the MDST activity.

Author Biography

  • Rita Cersosimo, University of Genoa

    Rita Cersosimo is a PhD candidate in digital humanities and Post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Language and Cognition at the University of Genoa. Her research focuses on text comprehension and figurative language processing in individuals with dyslexia and on accessible L2 learning in digital environments.


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How to Cite

Cersosimo, R. (2023). Increasing inclusion and engagement in foreign language learning: A pilot study with multilingual digital storytelling and virtual reality. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 257-267.