Explicit word-study interventions for adult Arabic-speaking English language learners


  • Zainab A. Allaith Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain




Arabic speakers, English as a foreign language, English language learners, explicit instruction, spelling intervention, word study


Spelling gains were examined when spelling patterns were taught to Arabic adult ELLs in two interventions. The first intervention utilised an explicit word-study technique in isolation of meaningful reading tasks. Participants sorted discovery words; deduced, read about and discussed the spelling patterns; brainstormed words that followed the target patterns; and used the target patterns in writing meaningful sentences. The second intervention engaged participants with meaningful reading-comprehension tasks that contained the target patterns heavily embedded within the reading passages to foster incidental learning of the patterns. Participants subsequently followed the same word-study technique which was used in the first intervention. Pre- and post-test results demonstrated that both interventions led to meaningful gains in spelling achievement. The gains were comparable for both interventions. The results call for comprehensive inclusion of explicit teaching of the English orthographic spelling patterns within curriculums – a practice that is not typically emphasised with ELLs.

Author Biography

  • Zainab A. Allaith, Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain

    Dr Zainab Allaith is a faculty member in the English Language Education department at Bahrain Teachers College at the University of Bahrain. Her work involves developing curriculum, teaching literacy and education courses, and supervising pre- and in-service teachers. Her areas of expertise and research interests include literacy and literacy acquisition, reading, spelling, orthography, second language acquisition, and language arts.


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How to Cite

Allaith, Z. A. (2023). Explicit word-study interventions for adult Arabic-speaking English language learners. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(1), 95-117. https://doi.org/10.1558/isla.23423