Rethinking textbook grammar introduction


  • Anna Flyman Mattsson Lund University



processability theory, teachability hyporhesis, L2 Swedish, grammar textbook, learnability


This article describes the construction of a Swedish grammar textbook based on learnability and teachability within the processability theory (PT) paradigm. The article discusses the difficulties and choices encountered when applying the morphologic and syntactic structures defined for second-language Swedish in a learnable order. The main concerns raised in the literature, such as the limited
number of structures studied within PT and the heterogeneity in the classroom, are also discussed. The textbook emphasises the distinction between processing and automatising (correct use), as it entails different types of exercises. It is argued in the article that explicit instruction on forms that are already processed may be the wrong priority. It is also argued that even though the idea of acquisitional stages is not accepted by everyone, developmental readiness does not interfere with other factors, such as frequency of input, due to the distinction between learning objectives and general input.

Author Biography

  • Anna Flyman Mattsson, Lund University

    Anna Flyman Mattsson is Associate Professor in Swedish as a second language at the Centre for Languages and Literature at Lund University. Her research focus is on grammar development in Swedish as a second language, mainly within a processability framework.


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How to Cite

Flyman Mattsson, A. (2022). Rethinking textbook grammar introduction. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 6(2), 196–218.