The effect of field independence on processing instruction on the acquisition of English passive by Iranian EFL learners


  • Amir Naami Shiraz University
  • Rahman Sahragard Shiraz University



form-focused instruction, processing instruction, input processing theory, processing strategy, field independence, Group Embedded Figures Test


This work reports on a classroom-based study that investigated the role of field independence in the effectiveness of processing instruction. From a high school in Iran, fifty six learners were recruited and randomly assigned to an experimental and a comparison group. The former was taught through processing instruction while the latter received traditional output-based instruction on English passive. A sentence-level interpretation task was used in a pretest-treatment-posttest design to measure instructional effects. The results illustrated that processing instruction significantly improved learners’ acquisition of the target structure, whereas the traditional instruction was not effective. Furthermore, no interaction was found between the learners’ field independence and their performance in the immediate and delayed posttests. This could be attributed to the unique characteristic of processing instruction and its systematic nature neutralising learners’ differences and consequently creating an optimum learning condition benefitting all the learners.

Author Biographies

  • Amir Naami, Shiraz University

    Amir Naami is an English teacher and a recent PhD graduate from the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Iran. He is interested in grammar instruction and has published a few studies on topics such as form-focused instruction and processing instruction.

  • Rahman Sahragard, Shiraz University

    Rahman Sahragard is a professor in Applied Linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Shiraz University, Iran. He obtained his PhD from University of Leicester, UK, in 2001. He sits on the editorial board of a few Iranian and international journals and is the Editor-in-Chief of Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly. He has extensively published on different topics including discourse analysis, materials development and language teaching.


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How to Cite

Naami, A., & Sahragard, R. (2022). The effect of field independence on processing instruction on the acquisition of English passive by Iranian EFL learners. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 6(1), 109–139.