Incidental pragmatics learning in telecollaborative exchanges

A case study on criticism and suggestion


  • Federica Del Bono Roma Tre University/’Sapienza’ University of Rome
  • Elena Nuzzo Università degli Studi Roma Tre



criticism, suggestion, peer corrective feedback, telecollaboration, incidental pragmatics learning


This paper aims to explore the outcomes of incidental pragmatics learning in the context of a telecollaboration programme, with a focus on the speech acts of criticising and suggesting. The programme involved Italian learners of English and American learners of Italian. It was organised around weekly Zoom video calls over an academic semester. Every second virtual encounter was devoted to providing and discussing feedback on written texts produced by the partner in the target language. The discussion was held in the feedback provider’s L2. For this study, we focused on three intermediate-to-advanced learners of English whose data were analysed longitudinally. English native speakers’ data, collected during a previous round of the telecollaboration programme, were analysed as a reference baseline. Signs of development in the linguistic behaviour of the three learners were observed with regard to the pragmatic strategies they used to comment on their partners’ errors, but not in the distribution of internal modifiers and supportive moves.

Author Biographies

  • Federica Del Bono, Roma Tre University/’Sapienza’ University of Rome

    Federica Del Bono is a PhD student in Linguistics at Roma Tre University/’Sapienza’ University of Rome. Her PhD project is about the incidental learning of speech acts’ mitigation strategies in Italian as a foreign language.

  • Elena Nuzzo, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

    Elena Nuzzo is associate professor of Applied Linguistics at Roma Tre University, where she teaches and researches in the fields of second language acquisition and teaching, with a focus on Italian as a second language. Her main research interests include practical applications of speech act theory to second language learning and task-based language teaching.


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How to Cite

Del Bono, F. ., & Nuzzo, E. . (2021). Incidental pragmatics learning in telecollaborative exchanges: A case study on criticism and suggestion. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 5(2), 172–201.