The Show Must Go On

Corporate Narratives in the Anthroposophical Society


  • Karen Swartz Åbo Akademi University
  • Olav Hammer University of Southern Denmark



Organization theory and religion, corporate narratives, New Religious Movements, Anthroposophy, Goetheanum


When new religions reach a mature and settled phase, they resemble in many respects secular organizations and are therefore amenable to being studied with methods inspired by organization studies. One group of such methods deals with corporate narratives and corporate communication. This article takes a structuralist approach and applies a version of the actant model originally developed by the Lithuanian literary theorist Algirdas Greimas to a specific case involving a set of texts, namely the so-called Christmas appeals in which a spokesperson for the leadership of the General Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum initiates a fundraising campaign. Since money is a limited resource, these texts reveal which objects the organization’s leaders present as being important and why. The analysis reveals an organization that largely resembles a secular corporation but with the crucial difference that there are ultimate aims that transcend such arguably mundane concerns as maintaining a balanced budget.


Christmas Appeals 1999. Sebastian Jüngel and Ursula Remund, “The Goetheanum and Finances: Interview with Rolf Kerler regarding this year’s Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/1999, p. 12,

Rolf Kerler, “Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2000, p. 8,

Rolf Kerler, “Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2001, p. 6,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Goetheanum Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2002, p. 2,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Goetheanum Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2003, p. 11,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Christmas Appeal 2004,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2004, p. 2,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Advent 2005: Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2005, p. 8,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Advent 2006: Christmas Appeal 2006,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2006, p. 2,,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Advent 2007: Christmas Appeal 2007,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2007, p. 11,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Advent 2008: Christmas Appeal 2008,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2008, p. 2-4,

Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Christmas Appeal 2009,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2009, p. 2,

: Cornelius M. Pietzner, “Advent 2010: Christmas Appeal 2010,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 10/2010, p. 5,

Paul Mackay, “Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2011, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2012, p. 2,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2013, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: 2014 Christmas Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2014, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: Donation Appeal Christmas 2015,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2015, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: 2016 Christmas Donation Appeal,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2016, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Advent: Christmas Appeal 2017,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2017, p. 3,

Justus Wittich, “Christmas Greetings and Appeal for Support,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2018, p. 1-2,

Justus Wittich, “Wishing you a Joyful Christmas – With an Appeal for Your Support,” Anthroposophy Worldwide 12/2019, p. 3,

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How to Cite

Swartz, K. ., & Hammer, O. . (2021). The Show Must Go On: Corporate Narratives in the Anthroposophical Society. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 11(1), 91–117.