Indigenizing the Goddess

Reclaiming Territory, Myth and Devotion in Glastonbury


  • University of Winchester, University of Wales TSD



Glastonbury, Goddess, indigenizing, indigenous, materiality, territorialization


The Glastonbury Goddess religion in the South West of England began in the 1990s by a small group of women dedicated to reviving the Goddess of the land surrounding Glastonbury, interpreting and revitalizing myths and legends in relation to her, and reclaiming the Goddess as their own after centuries of male Christian dominated religion. Hugely successful, the group have constructed what they claim to be the first Goddess Temple dedicated to the indigenous goddess of Glastonbury in over 1500 years. The article will argue that territorialization, or “re-territorialization,” is one of the main strategies of this indigenizing process, and is carried out through the use and development of Glastonbury Goddess material cultures, ritual creativity and narratives, as well as international Goddess training programmes. Prompting the reclamation of local Goddesses in different parts of the world, the Glastonbury Goddess religion is having local and global reach.


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How to Cite

Whitehead, A. (2019). Indigenizing the Goddess: Reclaiming Territory, Myth and Devotion in Glastonbury. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 9(2), 215-233.