Slavic Messianism in Bulgaria

The White Brotherhood and the Question of National Identity (1920-1944)


  • Thomas Heinzel University of Erfurt



esotericism, Theosophy, messianism, Slavdom, Bogomils


This paper considers the adoption and modification of Western esoteric discourses in the context of a Southeast European alternative religious movement, Petar Danov's White Brotherhood. The analysis focuses on the views the Bulgarian master and his followers espoused during the interwar period and the Second World War regarding their country's national identity and history. Based on the macro-historical conception of Theosophy, the White Brothers believed in Slavdom's, and especially Bulgaria's, messianic calling to unite mankind in order to prepare for the emergence of a new human race. The goal of this paper is not only to outline these messianic ideas but also to shed light on their historico-cultural context and on influences that possibly contributed to their formulation.

Author Biography

  • Thomas Heinzel, University of Erfurt

    I am a doctoral student receiving a monthly scholarship from a so-called research training group funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). This research training group – a cooperation between the universities of Jena and Erfurt - is called “Cultural Orientations and Institutional Order in Southeast Europe”. My PhD project is a comparative study of two alternative religious movements in Bulgaria and Greece between the World Wars.


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How to Cite

Heinzel, T. (2011). Slavic Messianism in Bulgaria: The White Brotherhood and the Question of National Identity (1920-1944). International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 2(1), 55-75.