Global and Solitary

Dialogue and the Unification Church


  • Sarah Lewis University of Wales, Trinity St David



New Religious Movement (NRM), Unification Church, World Council of Churches (WCC), Sun Myung Moon, Kingdom of Heaven, Korea, Troeltsch, Second Coming, Salvation, Lord of the Second Advent, Divine Principle, Universal Peace Federation (UPF), World Peace


This article examines the way in which the Unification Church has promoted dialogue, particularly interreligious dialogue, and the role of dialogue in the theology of the Unification Church. It notes, however, that although dialogue with other religions is essential to fulfil the theology of the movement, it is the theology of the movement that makes successful interreligious dialogue impossible. The Unification Church claims a new Messiah for Christianity and this paper argues that this presents one of the most significant barriers to dialogue with, for example, the World Council of Churches. The paper also argues that the Unification Church has successfully found common ground outside religious belief on which to engage in dialogue with those outside of the movement. It concludes with an assessment of how more formal interreligious dialogue may be possible with the Unification Church in the future.

Author Biography

  • Sarah Lewis, University of Wales, Trinity St David

    Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Lewis, S. (2012). Global and Solitary: Dialogue and the Unification Church. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 3(1), 27-45.