Studying the “Gnostic Bible”

Samael Aun Weor and the Pistis Sophia


  • Franz Winter Vienna University



(Neo-)Gnosticism, Esotericism, Pistis Sophia, Samael Aun Weor, Weor-Movements


In 1983, a book entitled El Pistis Sophia Develado (Pistis Sophia Unveiled) by the Colombian esoteric writer Samael Aun Weor, born Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez (1917-1977), was published posthumously. It is considered a commentary to an important ancient Gnostic text, Pistis Sophia, that is read according to the Neo-Gnostic teachings of the author. This article provides insight into Weor's specific approach to this text and the "Procrustean bed" of interpretation he applied to it.

Author Biography

  • Franz Winter, Vienna University

    Franz Winter has received PhDs in Classical Studies (1999) and Religious Studies (2005) from the University of Vienna, and a Habilitation in Religious Studies (2010) from the same university, after having studied and done research at the Universities of Graz, Salzburg, Vienna, in Rome, at Boston University (Fulbright), and in Tokyo and Kyoto. He currently teaches at the University of Graz. Among his major areas of interest are the history of contact between Europe and Asia from antiquity to modern times, new religious movements in East and West, history of Buddhism, Western Esotericism, and religion and the media.


Publications of Samael Aun Weor

Tratado de Medicina Oculta y Magia Practica. Santiago de Cali: Belalcarzar.

El Matrimonio Perfecto. 3a edicion. Ampliada y corregida. Ibague: Editorial Tolima.

Las Tres Montanas. Mensaje de Nadividad 1972-1973. Bogota: Iris Impresores.

La doctrina secreta de Anahuac. Mensaje de Navidad 1974-1975.

Tratado de psicologia revolucionaria: Mensaje de Navidad 1975-1976.

El Pistis Sophia Develado. 1a edicion. El Salvador.

Einfuhrung in die Gnosis. Grundlegendes Handbuch fur den ersten Grad. Buddha Maitreya Kalki Avatara des neuen Wassermannzeitalters. Translated by Jaun Lavalu. Zug: GnoSiS.

Die perfekte Ehe. Aus dem Spanischen ubersetzt von Josefine und Luis Alfredo Vanegas Luna. Buddha Maitreya Kalki Avatara des neuen Wassermannzeitalters. Zug: GnoSiS.

The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled. The Secret Teachings of Jesus Recorded by his Disciples. Brooklyn: Glorian.

Magic, Alchemy and the Great Work/La Magia, la Alquimia y la Gran Obra. Bilingual edition. Daath Gnosis.

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How to Cite

Winter, F. (2018). Studying the “Gnostic Bible”: Samael Aun Weor and the Pistis Sophia. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 9(1), 83-112.