Mediated by the materiality of spaces

Language, mobility, gender and sexuality in the posthuman era


  • Shaila Sultana BRAC University and University of Dhaka



language as practice, materiality of spaces, migration, posthumanist approach to sociolinguistics, resistance


This commentary considers how the special issue ‘Mobilising Language, Gender and Sexuality Studies’ contributes to recent developments in theories that demonstrate the importance of taking a posthumanist approach to sociolinguistics research. While the papers in the special issue show how mobile communities, including migrants, asylum seekers, sex workers and domestic workers, make sense of and participate in different activities in the world, this commentary shows that people in these communities also make sense of themselves with reference to different spaces – both real and imaginary, and both near and distant. Teasing out these aspects, the commentary suggests keeping research about posthumanism, the Global South and alternative ways of doing sociolinguistics at the core of the exploration of the complexities inherent in language practices, gender, sexuality, and individual and collective mobility, migration and resistance.

Author Biography

  • Shaila Sultana, BRAC University and University of Dhaka

    Shaila Sultana is the Director of and Professor at BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University and a Professor (on leave) in the Department of English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka. Recent work includes the co-authored Popular Culture, Voice and Linguistic Diversity (2018), the co-edited Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh (2020), Language in Society in Bangladesh and Beyond (2023) and a special issue of the Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (2022).


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How to Cite

Sultana, S. (2024). Mediated by the materiality of spaces: Language, mobility, gender and sexuality in the posthuman era. Gender and Language, 17(4), 433-445.