Inclusive writing

Tracing the transnational history of a French controversy


  • Julie Abbou University of Turin



feminist linguistic practice, French language, inclusive writing, linguistic controversy, religion, republicanism


This article documents the linguistic, disciplinary, geographical and ideological circulation of the notion of ‘inclusive writing/d’écriture inclusive’ in order to understand the French controversy surrounding the term. The article shows that North American Protestant feminist theologists first spread the expression in the 1970s. The expression then circulated in feminist circles in English and French, in Europe and North America, but also in the fields of disability and pedagogy. Its success in the French space, however, is not only due to its Protestant roots but also to a republican definition of inclusion emerging in France in the 1990s. By the time the controversy shot up, the paradigm of inclusion was thus loaded with its French republican meaning as much as its English and/or North American meaning, creating an ideological paradox that limits inclusive writing’s critical capacity and fails to question relations of domination.

Author Biography

  • Julie Abbou, University of Turin

    Julie Abbou (PhD) works in the field of Gender and Language Studies. Her research interests focus on feminism as a political culture and ideological circulations about gender. She has worked on topics such as micro-language planning of gender in anarchist texts and how borders shape dynamics of solidarity or alterity regarding gender and sexuality, as well as linguistic and discursive structures of gender.


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How to Cite

Abbou, J. (2023). Inclusive writing: Tracing the transnational history of a French controversy. Gender and Language, 17(2), 148-173.