Defending Christianity from the ‘rainbow plague’

Historicised narratives of nationhood in the anti-genderism register in Poland


  • Dominika Baran Duke University



anti-genderism, discourse-historical approach, enregisterment, gender ideology, LGBT ideology, Poland


Building on previous work on the anti-genderism register and moments of enregisterment, and adopting the Discourse-Historical Approach with its notion of topoi as an argumentation device used by right-wing populists, this article examines how the Catholic Church and right-wing politicians and media have mobilised against the alleged threat of ‘LGBT/gender ideology’ in Poland. Based on the analysis of 70 texts including homilies, political speeches, news articles and interviews, the article identifies three content-related topoi that are relayed across various anti-genderist actors. Together, these topoi and their repeated reuptake help to construct a historicised narrative of Poland as the defender of Christianity and of Europe, and to legitimise different actors’ anti-LGBT campaigns as they pursue their particular agendas. The article makes a contribution to exploring the processes through which the globally circulating anti-genderism register operates in a specific local context.

Author Biography

  • Dominika Baran, Duke University

    Dominika Baran is Associate Professor of English and Linguistics at Duke University, United States. Her 2017 book, Language in Immigrant America, is an interdisciplinary examination of language as the site for the contestation of ‘immigrant’ and ‘American’ identities. Her current work has focused on anti-LGBTQ+ discourses, particularly in Polish nationalist and right-wing media and politics. She is also working on a project on language, memory and belonging in Polish immigrant women’s narratives.


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How to Cite

Baran, D. (2023). Defending Christianity from the ‘rainbow plague’: Historicised narratives of nationhood in the anti-genderism register in Poland. Gender and Language, 17(1), 77-101.