Language, sexuality and place

The view from cyberspace


  • Brian W. King Victoria University of Wellington



computer-mediated, discourse, performative, place, queer, sexuality


This study attempts to use space/place as a tool in discourse analysis, focusing on the immediate surroundings of interaction. Analysis focuses on data taken from a corpus of computer-mediated chat-room interaction. It investigates the ongoing performance of sexualised place (and place-based sexuality) through the use of language in online chat-rooms. The central questions focus on how the shared imaginary of a room helps to shape the performances of genders and sexualities and how the gendered and sexualised discourses sexualise the room. Guided by the triangle of space model (Gotved, 2002, 2006), attention is paid to the chat rooms’ user interface, the spatial metaphor of the ‘room,’ and to participant interaction as part of the three dimensions of online spatiality. These are queer places for performances (in this case) of non-heterosexual, masculine identities and desires. Gotved’s model of online spatiality enables the investigation.

Author Biography

  • Brian W. King, Victoria University of Wellington

    Linguistics and Applied Language Studies PhD Candidate


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How to Cite

King, B. W. (2011). Language, sexuality and place: The view from cyberspace. Gender and Language, 5(1), 1-30.