Men and emotion talk

Evidence from the experience of illness


  • Jonathan Charteris-Black University of West of England
  • Clive Seale Department of Sociology, University of Brunel



gender, men, emotion, feelings, illness experience


Evidence is presented supporting the view that serious illness is often interpreted by men as an opportunity for emotional expressivity, contrasting with language and gender ideologies that stress men’s deficiencies in this realm. Comparative analysis of a large matched corpus of male and female interviews concerning the experience of a wide range of illnesses is reported. Illness experience prompts a process of biographical disruption for men resulting in a highly varied verbal repertoire. The analysis focuses on the use of adjectives, showing that, when compared with women discussing similar experiences, some men express high levels of frustration, rely on conventional strategies for expressing emotion such as swearing and a problem-solving attitude towards health - while others use a more self-conscious ‘women’s language’ of feelings that enables them to construct new identities. Such men associate this with the capacity for new and, paradoxically, more powerful performances of masculine identity.

Author Biographies

  • Jonathan Charteris-Black, University of West of England

    Jonathan Charteris-Black is Professor of Linguistics, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, the University of the West of England. He is author of: Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2004), Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2005) and Communication and Leadership: The Design of Leadership Style (Routledge, 2006). He is interested in to unifying theoretical approaches developed in corpus linguistics, critical discourse and cognitive semantics for applications within a broad social sciences perspective.

  • Clive Seale, Department of Sociology, University of Brunel

    Clive Seale is Professor of Sociology at the University of Brunel. He is author of Constructing death: the sociology of dying and bereavement. (Cambridge University Press, 1998); The quality of qualitative research. ( Sage, 1999); and Media and health. (Sage, 2003)


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How to Cite

Charteris-Black, J., & Seale, C. (2009). Men and emotion talk: Evidence from the experience of illness. Gender and Language, 3(1), 81-113.