Walking the straight and narrow

linguistic choice and gendered presentation


  • Evan Hazenberg Victoria University of Wellington




English, Gender, Variation, Transsexual


The social category of gender is often considered binary in linguistic research, but this division glosses over the myriad identities within the broad categories of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’. It also ignores the gendered experiences of participants, particularly transsexuals, for whom language is an important social signal of identity. Two sociolinguistic variables (adjectival intensification and the phonetic production of [s]) are used to explore the linguistic construction of gender within a corpus of straight, queer and transsexual speakers in Ottawa, Canada. Both variables emerge as sites for social identity work, suggesting that speakers with the most to lose practice a kind of linguistic conservatism. Straight men, who run the risk of losing the enormous social capital associated with heteronormative masculinity, take pains to avoid sounding gay or effeminate. Transsexuals, who risk both emotional and physical repercussions should their gender identities be questioned, aim for a safer middle ground.

Author Biography

  • Evan Hazenberg, Victoria University of Wellington

    Evan Hazenberg is currently completing a PhD in sociolinguistics and sociophonetics at Victoria University of Wellington in Wellington, New Zealand. He is interested in the linguistic performance of social identity (particularly gendered identity and sexuality) and how they are performed at the level of the community.


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How to Cite

Hazenberg, E. (2016). Walking the straight and narrow: linguistic choice and gendered presentation. Gender and Language, 10(2), 270-294. https://doi.org/10.1558/genl.v10i2.19812