A discursive approach to structural gender linguistics

theoretical and methodological considerations


  • Heiko Motschenbacher Goethe-University




structural gender linguistics, language and gender theories, poststructuralist approach, discourse, discursive materialisation, de-essentialisation, language policy


This article addresses the current marginalisation of structural gender linguistics within the field of language and gender. Traditional, structuralist-minded approaches to language and gender are briefly reviewed, and it is argued that a revitalisation of the study of gendered language structures can only be achieved when such analyses reflect recent theoretical developments within the field. More specifically, this necessitates a reconceptualisation of (gendered) language structures in the light of discursive or poststructuralist theories, namely as the result of processes of discursive materialisation in language use. Also discussed at a methodological level is how de-essentialisation as a central driving force of discursive approaches to language and gender can be operationalised in various types of structural linguistic analysis. Four basic dimensions of deessentialisation are distinguished for this purpose: first, the contrastive linguistic dimension (de-essentialisation across languages); second, the historical linguistic dimension (de-essentialisation across time periods); third, the lexicogrammatical dimension (de-essentialisation across linguistic gender categories); and fourth, the pragmatic dimension (de-essentialisation across usage contexts). A contrastive sample analysis of the complexities of pronominalisation in English and German complements the discussion.

Author Biography

  • Heiko Motschenbacher, Goethe-University

    Heiko Motschenbacher completed his PhD and postdoc research (Habilitation) at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany. His research focuses on aspects such as English as a lingua franca, language, Europeanness and nationalism, corpus linguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, inclusion in foreign language teaching and language, gender and sexuality at all linguistic levels. He was temporary professor of English Linguistics at the Universities of Bayreuth, Siegen, Braunschweig and Mainz and is initiator and co-editor of the Journal of Language and Sexuality (John Benjamins). Beyond the titles mentioned in the references below, his recent publications include the monographs New Perspectives on English as a European Lingua Franca (John Benjamins, 2013), Language, Normativity and Europeanisation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), and a special issue of the journal Discourse & Society on ‘Queer Linguistic Approaches to Discourse’ (Sage, 2013; with Martin Stegu).


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How to Cite

Motschenbacher, H. (2016). A discursive approach to structural gender linguistics: theoretical and methodological considerations. Gender and Language, 10(2), 149-169. https://doi.org/10.1558/genl.v10i2.25525