Sadler, R. (2012) Virtual worlds for language learning: From theory to practice


  • Jeong-bin Hannah Park University of Texas at Austin


Author Biography

  • Jeong-bin Hannah Park, University of Texas at Austin
    Jeong-Bin (Hannah) Park is a Ph.D. student at Foreign Language Education program in the department of curriculume & Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research interest focuses on computer-assisted language learning & teaching in hybrind instructions, online discourse, computer-mediatiated discussion, and L2 writing development. She holds an M.A. in Foreign Language Education with a thesis topic in computer-mediated discussions, and a B.A. in English Language & Literature. She has taught ESL/EFL in South Korea and the United States for more than 10 years at various levels.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Park, J.- bin H. (2013). Sadler, R. (2012) Virtual worlds for language learning: From theory to practice. CALICO Journal, 30(1), 121-123.