The Use of Linking Adverbials in Academic Essays by Non-Native Writers: How Data-Driven Learning Can Help


  • James Robert Garner Department of English, University of Alabama



data-driven learning, vocabulary acquisition, linking adverbials, second language writing, academic word transfer


in the use of data-driven learning (DDL) approaches. Most studies of DDL have focused on the acquisition of vocabulary items, including a wide range of information necessary for their correct usage. One type of vocabulary that has yet to be properly investigated has been linking adverbials. Linking adverbials serve to assist writers in giving cohesion to their texts. They are also difficult for second language writers to acquire, with many language learners misusing them semantically and stylistically. This study attempts to determine if DDL can assist students with this task. It investigates the correct semantic usage and proportion of academic linking adverbials in student writing both before and following treatment. Results indicate that DDL techniques do in fact help students acquire and better employ linking adverbials in their writing. Students receiving DDL instruction made greater improvements in their use of linking adverbials, both semantically and stylistically, compared to a group that received traditional linking adverbial instruction.

Author Biography

  • James Robert Garner, Department of English, University of Alabama
    James Robert Garner is a Visiting Professor in the Freshman English Program at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, South Korea. His research interests include data-driven learning and second language writing.


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How to Cite

Garner, J. R. (2013). The Use of Linking Adverbials in Academic Essays by Non-Native Writers: How Data-Driven Learning Can Help. CALICO Journal, 30(3), 410-422.