Implementing Word Learning Strategies Into an Interactive Learning Environment


  • Andreas Röllinghoff



CALL, word learning strategies


The development of programming tools such as HyperCard and Authorware has had a considerable impact upon computer assisted language learning. Language teachers are now able to test new ideas through use of these tools. Unfortunately software products which differed widely both in approach and in quality, resulted. This highlights the need for a broader discussion of general guidelines for design of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) products, but this contribution can not cover the whole field. Some important points which are relevant to user-program interaction are considered in the first part of this paper. The second part focuses upon vocabulary learning strategies whereas the third part gives an overview of an environment where the guidelines and strategies outlined in part one and two are implemented.


Apple publication (1988). Apple Guidelines for Designing Human Interfaces. AddisonWesley, NY.

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Hilts, Philip J. "Clues to Brains Data System.” Herald Tribune, September 17, 1992.[Relates a recent finding at the John Hopkins Medical Center.]

IBM (1991). Systems Application Architecture Common User Access Guide to User InterfaceDesign. Armonk, NY.

IBM(1991). Systems Application Architecture Common User Access Advanced Interface DesignReference. Armonk, NY.

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How to Cite

Röllinghoff, A. (2013). Implementing Word Learning Strategies Into an Interactive Learning Environment. CALICO Journal, 11(2), 21-44.