Teaching First-Year Spanish On-Line


  • Danielle Cahill
  • Diane Catanzaro




computer assisted language learning (CALL), computer mediated communication (CMC), computer based technology (CBT), distance education, electronic messaging system, Internet, multimedia, second language acquisition (SLA), virtual classrooms


This article provides a framework and outline for teaching a foreign language course entirely on-line to college undergraduates. The course uses a distance learning approach that incorporates an electronic messaging system, multimedia, World Wide Web, and Internet assignments. Course structure, pedagogical issues, and one university's experience with on-line courses are discussed as a basis for presenting a working model for teaching foreign languages using on-line technology. Finally, student learning outcomes in on-line and traditional first-year Spanish courses are compared.


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How to Cite

Cahill, D., & Catanzaro, D. (2013). Teaching First-Year Spanish On-Line. CALICO Journal, 14(2-4), 97-113. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v14i2-4.97-113