Technology and Teaching Culture: Results of a State Survey of Foreign Language Teachers


  • Zena Moore
  • Betsy Morales
  • Sheila Carel



Culture, Technology, Teaching, Survey, Teachers, World Wide Web


Findings from a state survey on technology and teaching culture indicated that teachers in general made little use of computer facilities such as the World Wide Web and e-mail. Although the teachers made considerable use of video materials, especially foreign films, they made little use of interactive media such as CD-ROMs and videodiscs even when these materials were part of commercially available instructional packages. Teachers' level of education and teaching experience accounted for some of the differences in the frequency with which teachers used technology. The study also found that Japanese teachers demonstrated more frequent use of technology than teachers of other foreign languages. Teachers in rural areas appeared to make very little use of interactive media learning materials. It is clear that foreign language teachers need to improve their knowledge of how to integrate technology with other activities in classroom instruction. This need could be met by including instructional technology issues in courses for pre-service and in-service teachers.


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How to Cite

Moore, Z., Morales, B., & Carel, S. (2013). Technology and Teaching Culture: Results of a State Survey of Foreign Language Teachers. CALICO Journal, 15(1-3), 109-128.