The role of qualitative approaches to research in CALL contexts: Closing in on the learner’s experience


  • Mike Levy The University of Queensland



CALL, Qualitative research, Research design, Mixed methods


The article considers the role of qualitative research methods in CALL through describing a series of examples. These examples are used to highlight the importance and value of qualitative data in relation to a specific research objective in CALL. The use of qualitative methods in conjunction with other approaches as in mixed method research designs are a particular focus. It is argued that qualitative methods are especially effective when used in this way. The discussion also aims to elaborate upon the role of qualitative approaches within CALL specifically, as a domain for research study with particular attributes that require a qualitative orientation. Here the use of electronic dictionaries is considered. Dictionary use is suited to such a discussion because it occurs frequently in everyday life, suggesting a qualitative approach, as well as in research studies that are strictly controlled, as in a quantitative approach. The contrast is instructive and helps demonstrate the respective strengths and limitations of each method. Also central to the discussion is the language learner. A number of the studies described emphasize the importance of listening to the students’ voice in the qualitative component (e.g., Conole, 2008; Jones, 2003). It is in the unpacking of what students actually do moment-by-moment in CALL tasks and activities that best illustrate the strengths of qualitative methods in enhancing our understanding of mediated learning and thereby driving productive research agendas.

Author Biography

  • Mike Levy, The University of Queensland
    Dr Mike Levy is an Honorary Professor at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His research work includes studies on the distinctive role of technology in mediating language learning, including how the technology itself shapes the interaction at both the macro and the micro level. His interests span theory, design and practice and his work has included studies on digital media, mobile language learning, online cultures, teacher education and learner training. Two recent papers consider the design and use of online dictionaries and electronic translation tools. He is Associate Editor of the international CALL journal and on the editorial boards of ReCALL, CALICO and System. Currently he is Chair of the Steering Committee for the WorldCALL Conferences held in different parts of the world every four years (


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How to Cite

Levy, M. (2015). The role of qualitative approaches to research in CALL contexts: Closing in on the learner’s experience. CALICO Journal, 32(3), 554-568.