Situated Learning for Foreign Language Teachers in One-to-One Computing Initiatives


  • Pamela M. Wesely College of Education, University of Iowa
  • Elizabeth Plummer College of Education, University of Iowa



Secondary education, teacher education, 1, 1 initiatives, situated learning


This study focuses on how Spanish teachers in four different rural US high schools use computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in their classrooms, and the nature of the relationship between their use of CALL and their experience of learning about CALL. A situated learning framework was used to evaluate the teachers’ learning opportunities in light of their CALL implementation. Teacher interviews, classroom observations, and class documents and websites suggested that the teachers rarely altered their pedagogy or their curriculum to integrate technology. Crucial elements of a situated learning environment were missing, and they corresponded to areas where teachers’ usage was not consistent with CALL principles. The study concludes with implications for practitioners, researchers, and theorists.

Author Biographies

  • Pamela M. Wesely, College of Education, University of Iowa
    Pamela M. Wesely is an Associate Professor of Foreign Language and English as a Second Language Education at the University of Iowa. Her research interests focus on innovation in K–12 language education and the attitude and motivation of stakeholders (students, parents, and teachers). At the University of Iowa, she trains foreign-language teachers and teaches graduate courses about research methods and foreign-language curriculum and pedagogy.
  • Elizabeth Plummer, College of Education, University of Iowa
    Elizabeth Plummer is a Ph.D. candidate in Foreign Language and English as a Second Language Education at the University of Iowa. Her research interests include the training of online language teachers, distance education course design, and CALL.


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How to Cite

Wesely, P. M., & Plummer, E. (2017). Situated Learning for Foreign Language Teachers in One-to-One Computing Initiatives. CALICO Journal, 34(2), 178–195.