'Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning' Anwar Ahmed


  • Hope M. Anderson Arizona State University




book review, Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning, Anwar Ahmed


Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning
Anwar Ahmed
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, US $ 39, ISBN 9783031065019 (e-book), 131 pages, 2022

Author Biography

  • Hope M. Anderson, Arizona State University

    Hope M. Anderson (PhD, University of Arizona) is Clinical Assistant Professor of Spanish at Arizona State University and founder of Teaching Solved, a startup that aims to help teachers help students learn languages through useful tech tools. Anderson’s research interests include second language curriculum design and hybrid language pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Anderson, H. M. (2024). ’Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning’ Anwar Ahmed. CALICO Journal, 41(1), 71-75. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.27317