The Effectiveness of Duolingo English Courses in Developing Reading and Listening Proficiency


  • Xiangying Jiang Duolingo
  • Ryan Peters Duolingo
  • Luke Plonsky Northern Arizona University
  • Bozena Pajak Duolingo



Duolingo, efficacy, English, reading proficiency, listening proficiency, MALL


This study evaluated the reading and listening proficiency levels of 245 English language learners who completed the Basic content (through Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [CEFR] level A2) of one of the following three Duolingo English courses: English for Japanese, Spanish, or Portuguese speakers. Participants self-reported having little to no prior proficiency in English and used Duolingo as their only learning tool. Their language skills were measured using the reading and listening sections of the STAMP 4S English Test from Avant Assessment. The results show that, on average, learners at the end of the Basic content (A2) scored Intermediate High in both reading and listening in all three courses. Given that Duolingo’s English courses are CEFR-aligned with an expected proficiency outcome of Intermediate Mid upon completion of the A2 content, it is noteworthy that participants across the three studied courses surpassed these expectations by achieving an additional American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) sublevel in both reading and listening. Such results present a robust and coherent body of evidence affirming the efficacy of Duolingo’s English courses in enhancing learners’ competencies in reading and listening comprehension.

Author Biographies

  • Xiangying Jiang, Duolingo

    Xiangying Jiang is a lead learning scientist at Duolingo. She works on learning assessment and efficacy research at Duolingo. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics (Northern Arizona University, 2007). Prior to joining Duolingo in 2019, she was a faculty member at West Virginia University. Her work has appeared in journals such as The Modern Language Journal, Reading in a Foreign Language, Reading Psychology, and Foreign Language Annals.

  • Ryan Peters, Duolingo

    Ryan Peters is a learning scientist at Duolingo. He has a PhD in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (Purdue University, 2019). Prior to joining Duolingo in 2022, he held dual positions as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and as a Museum Researcher at Thinkery, a children’s science museum in Austin. His research focused primarily on the interplay between attention and learning, with an emphasis on first and second language learning.

  • Luke Plonsky, Northern Arizona University

    Luke Plonsky is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Northern Arizona University. His work, focusing primarily on second-language acquisition and research methods, has appeared in over 80 articles, book chapters, and books. Luke is Associate Editor of Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Managing Editor of Foreign Language Annals, and Co-Director of the IRIS Database.

  • Bozena Pajak, Duolingo

    Bozena Pajak holds a PhD in Linguistics (University of California, San Diego, 2012). Before joining Duolingo in 2015, she was a Research Associate and a Lecturer in Linguistics at Northwestern University, Illinois. Her research focused primarily on the acquisition of additional languages in adulthood. She is currently the Vice-President of Learning and Curriculum at Duolingo.


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How to Cite

Jiang, X., Peters, R., Plonsky, L., & Pajak, B. (2024). The Effectiveness of Duolingo English Courses in Developing Reading and Listening Proficiency. CALICO Journal.