The Feasibility of Using Bande à Part to Aid French Language Learners


  • Ross Sundberg Concordia University, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance
  • Walcir Cardoso Concordia University, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance



mobile-assisted learning, L2 French, music application, computer-assisted language learning, technology acceptance model


This pilot study examines users’ perceptions of Bande à Part, a music application designed for learners of French. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was adopted to investigate users’ perceptions of the app’s usability and potential for second language (L2) learning. The model’s two constructs, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and one added factor, perceived enjoyment, formed the main predictors of users’ intentions to continue using the app. Mean scores for the predictors were: perceived usefulness = 4.27/6, perceived ease of use = 3.88/6, and perceived enjoyment = 3.95/6, which are confirmed by the survey results that show that 10 of 13 participants intend to continue using the app. Qualitative results suggest that the app enhances users’ ability to notice targeted forms in the musical input (e.g., liaison, gender) and, corroborating the quantitative data, suggest that users find the features in the app useful. Several comments also indicate that the ease of use could be improved (e.g., improved mobile device access). This study helps to establish the TAM in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) literature and forms the basis for future work evaluating how songs aid L2 acquisition.

Author Biographies

  • Ross Sundberg, Concordia University, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance

    Ross Sundberg is a PhD candidate in Education specializing in Applied Linguistics and the development of CALL programs. He has developed a mobile music application for French learners and has worked on both English and French versions of the Spaceteam-ESL language learning game.

  • Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance

    Walcir Cardoso is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at Concordia University. He conducts research on the L2 acquisition of phonology, morphosyntax and vocabulary, and the effects of computer technology (e.g., clickers, text-to-speech synthesizers, automatic speech recognition, intelligent personal assistants) on L2 learning.


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How to Cite

Sundberg, R. ., & Cardoso, W. . (2022). The Feasibility of Using Bande à Part to Aid French Language Learners. CALICO Journal, 39(2), 196–218.