A Computerized Phonetics Instructor: BABEL


  • Joaquin Vila
  • Lon Pearson




CALL, expert systems, computer graphics animation, phonetics, speech synthesizer, text-to-speech


Babel is an expert system able to animate (graphically) and reproduce (acoustically) a text in any language which uses the Latin alphabet. This system has been developed to aid language learners and to help instructors leach the fine nuances of phonemes. Each phoneme has a unique sound and thus requires a precise positioning of the vocal organs which are displayed on the screen in two different projections: a front view and a profile cross view of a human face in synchronization with the output sounds of the speech synthesizer.


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How to Cite

Vila, J., & Pearson, L. (2013). A Computerized Phonetics Instructor: BABEL. CALICO Journal, 7(3), 3-29. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v7i3.3-29