Interactions Audio-Visuelles, Videodisc and Hypercard for Students of French at Ventura College, California


  • Alice Slaton



Communicative approach, HyperCard multimedia, digitized sound, synthesized sound, driver, picture stop, chapter code, interactive presentations, Level I, Level II, Level III, mots-clefs (keywords), glossary, video feedback, self -paced learning


This article describes an interactive video French project at Ventura College. It describes Interactions Audio-Visuelles, the disc, the manual, and the current stacks. Furthermore, it discusses how the disc and the stacks are used in the classroom as well as the empirical outcomes of the project.


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How to Cite

Slaton, A. (2013). Interactions Audio-Visuelles, Videodisc and Hypercard for Students of French at Ventura College, California. CALICO Journal, 7(2), 51-70.