A Video-Conferencing English–Spanish eTandem Exchange

Negotiated Interaction and Acquisition


  • German Arellano-Soto Metropolitan University in Mexico City
  • Susan Parks Université Laval




eTandem, video-conferencing, negotiation of meaning, incidental focus on form, SLA


This study analyzed eTandem video-conferencing exchanges between five pairs of university students of English as a foreign language (EFL) and Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). The exchanges, which involved discussion of seven tasks, took place on a weekly basis. Drawing on an interactionist perspective (Ellis et al., 2001a; Loewen, 2005), the study explored the impact of incidental noticing on subsequent language learning. Data were collected from two sources: transcripts of all the video-conferencing sessions and immediate and delayed post-tests. Drawing on Loewen’s (2005) framework of analysis, the transcripts revealed that students generated a total of 915 focus-on-form episodes (FFEs). As measured by the post-tests, participants recalled over half of the targeted FFE linguistic items. In contrast to previous studies (Loewen, 2005; Shekary & Tahririan, 2006), where successful uptake was a predictor for L2 learning, the present study revealed that the only significant predictor was deferred timing. More generally, the present study supports the claim that eTandem video-conferencing is a useful activity for promoting L2 acquisition.

Author Biographies

  • German Arellano-Soto, Metropolitan University in Mexico City

    Dr. German Arellano-Soto is a Professor at the Metropolitan University in Mexico City, where he teaches English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses. His main research addresses technology-enhanced language learning with a particular focus on how video-conferencing tandem exchanges may be used to enhance that process.

  • Susan Parks, Université Laval

    Susan Parks is Associate Professor at Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada), where she teaches in the undergraduate and graduate L2 teacher education programs. Her research focuses on literacy practices in school and workplace contexts, language teacher education, and tandem language learning. She is the co-founder of the Tandem Canada Platform (https://tandem.ulaval.ca). This platform provides free technical and pedagogical support for teachers who wish to organize English–French, English–Spanish or French–Spanish exchanges.


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How to Cite

Arellano-Soto, G., & Parks, S. (2021). A Video-Conferencing English–Spanish eTandem Exchange: Negotiated Interaction and Acquisition. CALICO Journal, 38(2), 222–244. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.38927