An Integrated Framework for CALL Courseware Evaluation


  • Philip Hubbard



courseware, software, evaluation, framework, approach, methodology


The evaluation of courseware for CALL is one of the more challenging tasks a language teacher is faced with. Currently, most evaluation schemes consist of either a checklist or a list of questions to be answered. This paper offers an alternative approach to evaluation in the form of a flexible framework from which teachers can develop their own evaluation procedures. The components of the three major sections of the framework—operational description, teacher fit, and learner fit—and their interactions are described and some suggestions for use are offered. The evaluation framework described is one module of a more comprehensive framework incorporating courseware development and implementation as well.


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How to Cite

Hubbard, P. (2013). An Integrated Framework for CALL Courseware Evaluation. CALICO Journal, 6(2), 51-72.