Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Language Instruction: A Perspective


  • Alan Bailin



artificial intelligence, computer-assisted language instruction, natural language processing, language teaching


The article attempts to outline the major components of CALI-AI (computer-assisted language instruction incorporating artificial intelligence techniques). The article begins by discussing briefly the central assumption on which CALI-AI work is based, that is, that human cognitive abilities can be reproduced by mechanical means. It then proceeds to examine the following components of CALI-AI: (1) natural language processing, problem solving, (3) language learning, and (4) modeling teacher behavior. The article concludes with a discussion of the ways in which language teachers can participate in the development of the field.


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How to Cite

Bailin, A. (2013). Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Language Instruction: A Perspective. CALICO Journal, 5(3), 25-45.