CAI Development: The Experience of the University of North Carolina Courseware Development Project


  • Frank Dominguez
  • Margret Hazen



University of North Carolina, IBM, team approach, faculty incentives, courseware development, authoring tools, educational benefits, Spanish MicroTutor


The University of North Carolina (UNC)/IBM Courseware Development Project has been successful in the creation of high-quality college level educational computer materials. This paper provides an overview of the development of the Project, of the difficulties encountered along the way, and of the solutions found to overcome them. It advocates the use of a team approach to the development of quality computer materials, and provides a model to follow.


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How to Cite

Dominguez, F., & Hazen, M. (2013). CAI Development: The Experience of the University of North Carolina Courseware Development Project. CALICO Journal, 5(2), 55-64.