Evaluating A Computer-Adaptive ESL Placement Test


  • Harold Madsen




anxiety, CALT, computer adaptive, computerized adaptive, efficiency, item bank, Rasch analysis


The purpose of this article is to evaluate one of the first operational computerized-adaptive ESL tests in the United States. Utilizing an item bank of 300 grammar and reading items, the CALT exam was administered to 72 foreign students and later to 42 FL students; subjects also responded to a questionnaire. Results showed an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the computerized tests, but significant negative reaction by most Japanese students. In addition, the CALT was far more efficient than conventional paper and pencil tests.


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How to Cite

Madsen, H. (2013). Evaluating A Computer-Adaptive ESL Placement Test. CALICO Journal, 4(2), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v4i2.41-50