Visualizing Linguistic Complexity and Proficiency in Learner English Writings


  • Thomas Gaillat University of Rennes
  • Antoine Lafontaine French National Research Institute for Health, Environment and Health
  • Anas Knefati Orange Business France



linguistic complexity, L2 English, automatic essay feedback, visualization


In this article, we focus on the design of a second language (L2) formative feedback system that provides linguistic complexity graph reports on the writings of English for special purposes students at the university level. The system is evaluated in light of formative instruction features pointed out in the literature. The significance of complexity metrics is also evaluated. A learner corpus of English classified according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) was processed using a pipeline that computes 83 complexity metrics. By way of analysis of variance (ANOVA) testing, multinomial logistic regression, and clustering methods, we identified and validated a set of nine significant metrics in terms of proficiency levels. Validation with classification gave 67.51% (A level), 60.16% (B level), and 60.47% (C level) balanced accuracy. Clustering showed between 53.10% and 67.37% homogeneity, depending on the level. As a result, these metrics were used to create graphical reports about the linguistic complexity of learner writing. These reports are designed to help language teachers diagnose their students’ writings in comparison with prerecorded cohorts of different proficiencies.

Author Biographies

  • Thomas Gaillat, University of Rennes

    Thomas Gaillat is Associate Professor in corpus linguistics at the University of Rennes in France, where he also teaches English for specific purposes. He is a member of the LIDILE research team. He received his doctorate in 2016 at the University of Sorbonne Paris Cité, graduating summa cum laude. His thesis focused on corpus interoperability as a method to explore how this, that, and it, as referential forms, are used by learners of English. His publications cover linguistic questions intersecting the domains of natural language processing, corpus linguistics, and statistics. His main research axis is focused on language acquisition questions. He is the principal investigator of a project focused on analytics for language learning (A4LL). This project is funded by the French National Research Agency (Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR).

  • Antoine Lafontaine, French National Research Institute for Health, Environment and Health

    Antoine Lafontaine is an engineer statistician who worked on educational data for the Data Tank at the National School for Statistics and Data Analysis (École nationale de la statistique et de l’analyse de l’information, ENSAI) from 2019 to 2021. The Data Tank specializes in learning analytics and pedagogical innovations. Since 2021, Antoine has been working with the ELIXIR team at the French National Research Institute for Health, Environment and Work (Institut de recherche en santé, environnement et travail, IRSET) (Inserm UMR_S 1085), and more specifically on the CONSTANCES cohort, a large general population-based epidemiological cohort in France.

  • Anas Knefati, Orange Business France

    Anas Knefati holds a PhD in machine learning, and has previously worked as a research engineer specializing in machine learning for the Data Tank operation at the National School for Statistics and Data Analysis (ENSAI) from 2019 to 2021. During his time there, Anas contributed to the Data Tank’s focus on learning analytics and pedagogical innovations. Currently, he is working at Orange Business, where he is dedicated to industrializing artificial intelligence solutions.


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How to Cite

Gaillat, T., Lafontaine, A., & Knefati, A. (2023). Visualizing Linguistic Complexity and Proficiency in Learner English Writings. CALICO Journal, 40(2), 178-197.