“There’s always an option”

Collaborative Writing of Multilingual Interactive Fanfiction in a Foreign Language Class


  • Frederik Cornillie KU Leuven
  • Judith Buendgens-Kosten Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Shannon Sauro University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
  • Joeri Van der Veken KU Leuven & Sint-Jozefscollege Aalst




fanfiction, interactive fiction, multilingualism, collaborative writing, Maker culture, multiliteracies


In the digital wilds, thriving storytelling practices (often in transcultural and multilingual contexts) share with Maker culture a belief in learning through doing, bricolage, collaboration, and playfulness. Key examples are fanfiction, a form of creative writing that transforms popular media in some way, and interactive fiction, a form of nonlinear narrative that verges on the world of gaming. This paper documents a pedagogical intervention carried out within the FanTALES project, which leverages creative writing and meaning-making practices from the digital wilds, in order to develop teaching and learning activities that engage secondary school learners in the writing of multilingual interactive fanfiction. Adolescent learners of English as a foreign language (N=21) wrote multilingual interactive fanfiction based on the digital game series Assassin’s Creed. Qualitative content analysis of focus groups with these learners suggests that they experienced intrinsic motivation and developed skills in language and storytelling as well as transversal competences. They also dealt with a lowered sense of autonomy due to the open-endedness of the tasks, and struggled with a lack of sufficient knowledge about storytelling practices and the source text, as well as with project management. Potential improvements for the pedagogical implementation include more scaffolding of the tasks, and better integration with curriculum and assessment.

Author Biographies

  • Frederik Cornillie, KU Leuven

    Frederik Cornillie (PhD, KU Leuven) is research and valorization manager in educational technology at KU Leuven and at the strategic research institute imec in Belgium. His main research interests in CALL are how digital gaming can support language education, and the intersection of (tutorial) CALL and task-based language learning more broadly. He is also passionate about design and development of CALL applications.

  • Judith Buendgens-Kosten, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

    Judith Buendgens-Kosten is a postdoctoral researcher at Goethe University Frankfurt. They hold an MA in Online and Distance Education from the Open University, UK, and a doctorate degree in English Linguistics from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Their research interests encompass multilingual computer-assisted language learning and inclusive education in the EFL classroom.

  • Shannon Sauro, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

    Shannon Sauro (PhD, University of Pennsylvania; Docent, Malmö University) is a specialist in technology-mediated language teaching and learning in the Department of Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), USA. Her research focuses on the intersection of online fan practices and language learning and teaching as well as the role of virtual exchange in teacher education.

  • Joeri Van der Veken, KU Leuven & Sint-Jozefscollege Aalst

    Joeri Van der Veken is a teacher trainer at KU Leuven and an EFL teacher at the secondary school Sint-Jozefscollege in Aalst, Belgium. His research interests are the development of CALL materials in a differentiated classroom and the dramatization of interactive stories written in the EFL classroom.


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Special Issue 38.1: Innovation and Creation: The Maker Movement

How to Cite

Cornillie, F., Buendgens-Kosten, J., Sauro, S., & Van der Veken, J. (2021). “There’s always an option”: Collaborative Writing of Multilingual Interactive Fanfiction in a Foreign Language Class. CALICO Journal, 38(1), 17-42. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.41119