Oral Language Proficiency in Distance English-Language Learning


  • Jared Marcum Brigham Young Univeristy—Hawaii
  • Yanghee Kim Northern Illinois University




distance english language learning, oral proficiency, online english language learning


Online learning environments are changing the landscape of education, with evidence supporting their efficacy (Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones, 2009). However, research that focuses entirely on online distance English-language programs is sparse, especially in regards to oral proficiency. The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of an online distance-learning program in helping students develop oral English-language proficiency as they prepare to attend a university in the United States.    The curriculum for the distance-learning program was built upon Moore’s (1993) transactional distance theory, with an emphasis on interpersonal dialogue as a key tool in promoting oral proficiency. Students participated in synchronous and asynchronous interaction with fellow students, tutors, and their instructors. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) computer-assisted Oral Proficiency Interview (OPIc) provided the pretest and posttest measures for this study. To supplement this data, course surveys provided information concerning student opinions of course activities. OPIc results showed that students made significant gains in their oral proficiency from pretest to posttest. In surveys, students rated interaction with other tutors and teachers as instrumental in assisting them with their language learning, but rated interaction with their peers as less helpful. 

Author Biographies

  • Jared Marcum, Brigham Young Univeristy—Hawaii

    Jared Marcum is the director of the Edward D. Smith Center for Learning and Teaching and an assistant professor of Religious Education at Brigham Young University–Hawaii. He also serves as the university’s Director of Distance Learning. The distance programs focus on teaching international students English as they prepare to attend BYU–Hawaii and serve students from over 30 different countries across the Pacific and Asia.

  • Yanghee Kim, Northern Illinois University

    Yanghee Kim is the L. D. and Ruth G. Morgridge Endowed Chair in Teacher Education and Technology and professor of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment at Northern Illinois University. She is also the director of the Center for Cross-disciplinary Research on Engaging Advanced Technology for Education (CREATE, http://CreateCenter.net). Her expertise lies in interaction design, cultural and linguistic diversity, computer/robot-assisted language learning, and learner affect. At CREATE, she leads a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and partners studying early literacy and STEM learning and assessment using cuttingedge technologies, such as conversational agents, robots, learning analytics, and artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

Marcum, J., & Kim, Y. (2020). Oral Language Proficiency in Distance English-Language Learning. CALICO Journal, 37(2), 148-168. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.37788