Collective Activity and Tutor Involvement in E-learning Environments for Language Teachers and Learners


  • François Mangenot Université Stendhal
  • Elke Nissen Université Stendhal



Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, Computer-mediated Communication, Distance Tutoring, Online Interactions, Group Autonomy


Researchers investigating network-based language teaching (NBLT) seldom relate to computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), an important field in educational research which strongly stresses the value of group learning, adopting Vygotskian and Brunerian sociocultural views. As a result, the concept of collaboration is scarcely considered or discussed by NBLT researchers. However, choosing between collaborative- or noncollaborative-learning settings when designing a distance learning course has a strong influence on tutor involvement. This paper explores the issue, thus attempting to bridge the gap between NBLT and CSCL. It does so by qualitatively analyzing online interactions in several distance learning courses (collaborative and noncollaborative) and by examining these verbal exchanges in the light of collective activity, learners' social autonomy, and tutor role and involvement. The methodological approach is qualitative and consists in analyzing, a posteriori, online interactions between learners and tutors. After having defined the theoretical framework, the authors compare structures of online interaction in two preservice teacher courses, focusing on the role of the tutor and the issue of student autonomy. Finally, they examine more precisely some features of collaboration, analyzing tutor and student interactions in an online language course.

Author Biographies

  • François Mangenot, Université Stendhal

    François Mangenot, Professor at Stendhal University in Grenoble, is a specialist in CALL and technology-enhanced distance learning. He is a member of Lidilem (laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelle), where he leads an international research program called ODIL (outils et didactique pour les interactions en ligne).

  • Elke Nissen, Université Stendhal

    Elke Nissen, Lecturer at Stendhal University in Grenoble, focuses her research on CALL, Internet-based teaching and learning and e-learning. She is a member of Lidilem and involved in the ODIL research program.


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How to Cite

Mangenot, F., & Nissen, E. (2013). Collective Activity and Tutor Involvement in E-learning Environments for Language Teachers and Learners. CALICO Journal, 23(3), 601-622.