A Brief History of Video Feedback and its Role in Foreign Language Education


  • François Tochon




Video Feedback, Situated Research, Foreign Language Education, Critical Pedagogy


The paper reviews 25 years of experiences with video feedback. Video allows for "situated research," referring to lived experience for the purpose of understanding and reflection. Video has thus freed research from an exclusively laboratory-based approach and broadened its scope to include self-viewing and other-viewing in reflective groups. Video feedback offers one means of contributing to the intersubjective meaning-making process. As such, it constitutes one of the loci of validation of knowledge in professional growth. Video feedback can be seen as an applied semiotic process through which foreign language learners and teachers make sense of their actions. The resulting attention has implications for how language learning and teaching are conceived and studied at various levels.


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How to Cite

Tochon, F. (2013). A Brief History of Video Feedback and its Role in Foreign Language Education. CALICO Journal, 25(3), 420-435. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v25i3.420-435