Providing Pedagogical Learner Training in CALL

Impact on Student Use of Language-Learning Strategies and Glosses


  • Anne O'Bryan



CALL, Vocabulary Acquisition, Pedagogical Learner Training, Gloss Use, Learner Strategies


While recent studies have found that viewing glosses with multimedia annotations can help students learn and retain vocabulary words (Chun & Plass, 1996; Al-Seghayer, 2001), O'Bryan (2005) found that when providing pictorial glosses for select words within an online reading unit, few students took advantage of the clickable gloss function allowed by the medium, a finding mirrored in a number of research studies (Hegelheimer, 1998; Hegelheimer & Tower, 2004). In an attempt to address this issue, this study investigated whether training learners to use CALL effectively following Hubbard's (2004) 5-step approach leads to increased gloss use.


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How to Cite

O'Bryan, A. (2013). Providing Pedagogical Learner Training in CALL: Impact on Student Use of Language-Learning Strategies and Glosses. CALICO Journal, 26(1), 142-159.