Development and Implementation of a Learning Object Repository for French Teaching and Learning

Issues and Promises


  • Catherine Caws



Learning Object Repository (LOR), French, Design Experiment, Evaluation


This paper discusses issues surrounding the development of a learning object repository (FLORE) for teaching and learning French at the postsecondary level. An evaluation based on qualitative and quantitative data was set up in order to better assess how second-language (L2) students in French perceived the integration of this new repository into their course and study practice. A total of 46 students participated in the study and provided feedback that will be recycled into developmental changes for the repository. Based on a design experiment methodology, the research provides specific implication for the integration of online resources in a course or program of study. Initial results of the experiment supports the development of online tools such as FLORE while at the same time suggesting the value of carefully implementing such computer-based tools into a curriculum.


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How to Cite

Caws, C. (2013). Development and Implementation of a Learning Object Repository for French Teaching and Learning: Issues and Promises. CALICO Journal, 26(1), 123-141.