Help Options in CALL

A Systematic Review


  • Monica S. Cárdenas-Claros
  • Paul A. Gruba



Enhanced Input in CALL, Help Options, Learner-Computer Interaction


This paper is a systematic review of research investigating help options in the different language skills in computer-assisted language learning (CALL). In this review, emerging themes along with is-sues affecting help option research are identified and discussed. We argue that help options in CALL are application resources that do not only seem to assist second language learners in performing tasks but also to support language learning. We also argue that in addition to situating help options within the interactionist theory in second language acquisition (SLA), help options could be exam-ined through the lenses of sociocultural theory. The examination of help options from disciplines re-lated to CALL allows for further understanding of how various approaches to research can be used to inform help option conceptualization and their development in CALL-based materials.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas-Claros, M. S., & Gruba, P. A. (2013). Help Options in CALL: A Systematic Review. CALICO Journal, 27(1), 69-90.