Task Closings in L2 Text-Chat Interactions

A Study of L2 Interactional Competence


  • Makoto Abe The University of Melbourne
  • Carsten Roever The University of Melbourne




interactional competence, conversation analysis, closings, text-based computer-mediated communication, text chat


Employing a CA-inspired methodological approach, this study investigates L2 learners' interactional competence for dyadic interaction via text chat. Fiftythree dyads of Japanese learners of English at three proficiency levels (high, mid, and low) participated in this study, where they worked on three discussion tasks in L2 English. The data were 97 participant-generated task closings, which were analyzed in terms of linguistic repertoire and sequence organizations of terminal exchanges between participants in a dyad, and summonsanswer sequences between participants and the researcher. The data showed that the participants recurrently implemented a sequence of soliciting and providing an agreement on the idea for task accomplishment to signal a forthcoming closing of task talk. The findings indicated that more proficient learners produced more extended sequences in conducting closing rituals. Some highproficiency learners explicitly mentioned, or interacted with, the researcher, a third party, to initiate task closing or reformulate crossed messages in closing the talk. These findings provide insights into online L2 interactional competence in text-based CMC media.

Author Biographies

  • Makoto Abe, The University of Melbourne

    Makoto Abe is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne’s School of Languages and Linguistics. He holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Queensland. His research interests include interlanguage pragmatics, conversation analysis, and computer-mediated language learning.

  • Carsten Roever, The University of Melbourne

    Carsten Roever is Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at the University of Melbourne. He holds a PhD in Second Language Acquisition from the University of Hawai’i. His research interests include interlanguage pragmatics, conversation analysis, second language testing, and general second language acquisition.


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How to Cite

Abe, M., & Roever, C. (2020). Task Closings in L2 Text-Chat Interactions: A Study of L2 Interactional Competence. CALICO Journal, 37(1), 23–45. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.38562