Building a Web-based Infrastructure for Learning Non-Roman Script Languages


  • Marsha A. Hopp
  • Theodore H. Hopp



Bidirectional Text, Cross-platform, Non-Roman Script, Quiz, Virtual Keyboard


The newSLATE environment provides a Web-based infrastructure for language learning. Its design and implementation were driven by the difficulties of non-Roman-script text handling. The software features a cross-platform approach to non-Roman text input and handling and a novel method for automatically generating online quizzes from study materials. The core services available in newSLATE include editing of multilingual text, storing files online, exchanging files between users, generating quizzes automatically from stored files, and taking quizzes for practice. It currently supports Hebrew, Yiddish, English, French, German, and Spanish, with work in process to add support for Arabic and other languages.

Author Biographies

  • Marsha A. Hopp

    Marsha Hopp (Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Virginia) is a co-founder of ZigZag, Inc., a company specializing in Web-based learning software. She is interested in how students use computers and the Internet for learning and in how to build learning tools that better match student behaviors. She is the designer of the learning activities that are featured at the companyʼs web sites.

  • Theodore H. Hopp

    Ted Hopp (Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Maryland) is a co-founder of ZigZag, Inc., a company specializing in Web-based learning software. He is interested in technologies for human-computer interaction. Areas of special interest to him are game playing as a paradigm for engaging students and software technologies for Web-based learning and collaboration.


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How to Cite

Hopp, M., & Hopp, T. (2013). newSLATE: Building a Web-based Infrastructure for Learning Non-Roman Script Languages. CALICO Journal, 21(3), 541-555.