Teaching Arabic with Technology at BYU

Learning from the Past to Bridge to the Future


  • Michael D. Bush Brigham Young University
  • Jeremy M. Browne Brigham Young University




language learning, technology, standards, Unicode, Arabic


Reporting in 1971 on research related to computer-based methods for teaching the Arabic writing system, Bunderson and Abboud cited the potential that computers have for language learning, a largely unfulfilled potential even in 2004. After a review of the relevant historical background for the justification of computer-aided language learning (CALL) and pedagogical considerations for instructional materials development, this article describes recent advances in online technologies, justifying the conclusion that the field is poised to make great strides. Given the high costs for materials development, it is essential (a) to not abandon existing materials, (b) to use the most effective techniques possible for new materials, and (c) to conform to existing standards to ensure the widest possible materials delivery. The authors of this article discuss efforts at Brigham Young University to work within these standards in the re-engineering of materials to make them more useful, maintainable, and accessible, describing at the same time important principles for creating materials that are interoperable with existing online delivery platforms. In this project, hundreds of Arabic activities from Apple's HyperCard environment were converted to Unicode-compliant, template-driven, XML-based, Web-deliverable activities. In addition to discussing Unicode, SCORM, and MPEG-7, the authors provide background and justification for important development decisions.

Author Biographies

  • Michael D. Bush, Brigham Young University

    Michael Bush has a wide range of experience in the uses of high technology in education to solve problems of various types over the past 35 years. He received his Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education and Computer Science from The Ohio State University in 1983 and served in various capacities in the Department of Foreign Languages at the United States Air Force Academy, playing an instrumental role in the installation of the Academyʼs unique, interactive videodisc-based language learning center. Since his retirement from the Air Force in 1992, Professor Bush has been serving as Associate Professor of French and Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University where he is currently the Associate Director of the Center for Language Studies.

  • Jeremy M. Browne, Brigham Young University

    Jeremy Browne is a doctoral student in the Instructional Psychology and Technology Program at Brigham Young University, where he previously completed his undergraduate studies in French. He has had a wide range of experience in programming, instructional design, graphics design, and software development.


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How to Cite

Bush, M., & Browne, J. (2013). Teaching Arabic with Technology at BYU: Learning from the Past to Bridge to the Future. CALICO Journal, 21(3), 497-522. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v21i3.497-522