Learning a Language with Web 2.0

Exploring the Use of Social Networking Features of Foreign Language Learning Websites


  • Megan P. Stevenson
  • Min Liu




Web 2.0 Technology, Foreign Language Learning, Usability Testing, User-centered Design


This paper presents the results of an online survey and a usability test performed on three foreign language learning websites that use Web 2.0 technology. The online survey was conducted to gain an understanding of how current users of language learning websites use them for learning and social purposes. The usability test was conducted to gain an understanding of how potential users would interact with three foreign language learning websites and explore the pedagogical and technical usability of these sites. It is hoped that the results of this exploratory study would provide an insight into how the goals and designs of these websites incorporating Web 2.0 tools fit with the goals and needs of current and potential language learners.


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How to Cite

Stevenson, M. P., & Liu, M. (2013). Learning a Language with Web 2.0: Exploring the Use of Social Networking Features of Foreign Language Learning Websites. CALICO Journal, 27(2), 233-259. https://doi.org/10.11139/cj.27.2.233-259