Effect of Animated Graphic Annotations and Immediate Visual Feedback in Aiding Japanese Pronunciation Learning

A Comparative Study


  • Soon-Hin Hew Kyoto University
  • Mitsuru Ohki Kyoto University




Animated Graphic Annotation (AGA), Immediate Visual Feedback (IVF), Japanese Computer-assisted Language Learning (JCALL)


This study examines the effectiveness of imagery and electronic visual feedback in facilitating students' acquisition of Japanese pronunciation skills. The independent variables, animated graphic annotation (AGA) and immediate visual feedback (IVF) were integrated into a Japanese computer-assisted language learning (JCALL) program focused on the pronunciation of specific word pairs. Students enrolled in an elementary Japanese course in Malaysia were randomly divided into three groups and used three different versions of the program: (a) text + sound, (b) text + audio + AGA, and (c) text + audio + IVF. The results of the study showed that students in the text + audio + AGA group significantly outperformed students in the text + audio only group in pretest-posttest improvement in learning the pronunciation of (a) akusento 'pitch' words, (b) seion 'voiceless' and dakuon 'voiced' words and (c) tanon 'short vowel,' chouon 'long vowel,' and sokuon 'geminate consonants' words. Students in the text + audio +IVF group significantly outperformed students in the text + audio only group in learning akusento words and seion and dakuon words. There were no significant differences between the AGA and IVF groups.

Author Biographies

  • Soon-Hin Hew, Kyoto University

    Soon-Hin Hew received his B.Sc. (1995) in the Faculty of Science, Mathematics, and Computers and his M.Sc. (1997) in the Faculty of Technology and Information Science at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). In July, 1997, he joined Faculty of Creative Multimedia at the Multimedia University as a Lecturer. He was a member of the Japan Association for Language and Teaching (JALT) and the CALL SIG. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Information and Cognition, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. His research interests are in CAI, CALL instructional design, and applied technology in education and multimedia.

  • Mitsuru Ohki, Kyoto University

    Mitsuru Ohki received his M.A. degree in Linguistics from the Osaka University of Foreign Studies in 1972 and his Ph.D. in the Department of Linguistics, University of Paris in 1978. He is currently professor in the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies at Kyoto University, Japan. His research interests include French linguistics, French education, and CALL.


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How to Cite

Hew, S.-H., & Ohki, M. (2013). Effect of Animated Graphic Annotations and Immediate Visual Feedback in Aiding Japanese Pronunciation Learning: A Comparative Study. CALICO Journal, 21(2), 397-419. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v21i2.397-419