Error Diagnosis in the FreeText Project


  • Sebastien L'Haire Université de Genève
  • Anne Vandeventer Faltin Université de Genève



CALL, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Error Diagnosis, Error Tagging, Intelligent Feedback


This paper presents an overview of the research conducted within the FreeText project to build an automatic error diagnosis system for learners of French as a foreign language. After a brief review of the main features of the project and of the learner corpus collected and used within the project, the paper focuses on the error diagnosis system itself and, more specifically, on two of its components: (a) a syntactic checker making use of two different diagnosis techniques to detect errors of purely grammatical nature and (b) a sentence comparison tool which compares learners' answers with those stored in the system to detect possible semantic discrepancies such as referents or word usage. Advantages of such an automatic system and ideas for further research are then discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Sebastien L'Haire, Université de Genève

    Sébastien L’haire is a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Geneva. He is working on the implementation of NLP tools for CALL and more particularly on a sentence comparison diagnosis system. His doctoral dissertation will focus on this topic.

  • Anne Vandeventer Faltin, Université de Genève

    Anne Vandeventer Faltin is a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Geneva. She is working on her Ph.D., specializing in the implementation of NLP tools for CALL and more particularly in grammar checkers for language learners.


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How to Cite

L'Haire, S., & Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2013). Error Diagnosis in the FreeText Project. CALICO Journal, 20(3), 481-495.