Language Teaching at Distance
A Comprehensive Overview of Research
second/foreign language teaching, distance education, research overviewAbstract
In this paper, we review empirical research on language teaching at distance, published between 2005 and 2010. After compiling a list of journals, we went through a multi-stage process of analyzing relevant studies. This overview of research, consequently, is based on 24 articles. The content analysis of research studies led our inquiry on topics researched in distance language teaching in 2005-2010: types of contexts, learners, languages, and technologies targeted in the empirical research during this period of time; trends in methodological choices; and lessons we can learn from the conducted research studies. Finally, we discuss the implications of the gaps in research literature on language teaching at distance and provide suggestions for future directions in empirical inquiry. The paper may inform language educators, researchers, and administrators about the recent research findings on language teaching from distance and can serve as the foundation for further inquiry on the topic.
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