Learners’ Feedback Regarding ASR-based Dictation Practice for Pronunciation Learning


  • Shannon McCrocklin Southern Illinois University




pronunciation, second language acquisition, speech recognition, learner autonomy


Although early ASR-based dictation programs were criticized for lack of accuracy and explicit feedback for L2 pronunciation practice, teachers and researchers have shown renewed interest. However, little is known about student reactions to ASRbased dictation practice. This qualitative study examines student perspectives, identifying advantages and challenges to working with dictation software and generating ideas for the ideal ASR dictation program. Advanced ESL participants (n=16) worked with Windows Speech Recognition in a three-week hybrid pronunciation workshop. The study identifies many themes, including advantages such as ease of use, usefulness for pronunciation learning due to feedback provided, and heightened awareness of pronunciation issues, but also disadvantages, such as frustrating levels of recognition, particularly in the first attempt, doubts of the program's transcription abilities, and lack of convenience. Participants reported that convenience and greater support in pronunciation practice would be important for an ideal program.

Author Biography

  • Shannon McCrocklin, Southern Illinois University

    Shannon McCrocklin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Southern Illinois University. Her research focuses on second language pronunciation learning and teaching, including computer-assisted pronunciation training.


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How to Cite

McCrocklin, S. (2019). Learners’ Feedback Regarding ASR-based Dictation Practice for Pronunciation Learning. CALICO Journal, 36(2), 119-137. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.34738